Category Archives: Issues

May/June 2022 Vol 82 No 3

I have often wondered if, when Sir Ernest Oppenheimer started the Safety First Association in 1932 he imagined that 90 years later on it would still be running. Did he think that the magazine he started would still be a strong mouthpiece to the industry?

March/April 2022 Vol 82 No 2

Stress Awareness Month is recognised every year during April. Although a stress-free life does not exist, it was taken to a new and overwhelming level during the pandemic with many not able to cope with the challenges both in the workplace and at home.

January/February 2022 Vol 82 No 1

90 YEARS OLD AND STILL GOING STRONG. This year the Safety First Association celebrates its 90th anniversary. During 1932, seeing the accident and fatality statistics increasing in the mines, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer collected together a group of industrialists worried about the decline of safety and health in industry, and together with the mayor of Johannesburg they registered the Safety First Association.